Reviews from photographers who have used Heike Delmore's Coaching Mastermind and/or Education
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"My recent Personal Branding sales have been $5k, $6.4k, and almost $7k "
"My average sale this year has *increased* $1300 on last year's average sale. 100% best decision to invest in a mentorship with Heike. I highly recommend you chat with her. My recent PB sales have been $5k, $6.4k, and almost $7k (not including booking fee)."
~Tabitha Arthur, Photographer / New Zealand
Reviews from photographers who have used Heike Delmore's Coaching and Education
Apply to the Mastermind

"My recent PB sales have been $5k, $6.4k, and almost $7k "
"My average sale this year has *increased* $1300 on last year's average sale. 100% best decision to invest in a mentorship with Heike. I highly recommend you chat with her. My recent PB sales have been $5k, $6.4k, and almost $7k (not including booking fee)." ~Tabitha Arthur / New Zealand

“I booked two clients at my highest package within a week”
“Heike's Personal Branding Template and Training video helped me take my branding business to the next level. I was able to book two clients at my highest package within a week of using the Welcome Guide template to educate my clients on what the process looks like. The training videos are like looking over the shoulder of one of the most sought after personal brand photographers. The value is out of this world!” ~ Brittany Bennion, Photographer / Michigan

“I booked two clients at my highest package within a week”
“Heike's Personal Branding Template and Training video helped me take my branding business to the next level. I was able to book two clients at my highest package within a week of using the Welcome Guide template to educate my clients on what the process looks like. The training videos are like looking over the shoulder of one of the most sought after personal brand photographers. The value is out of this world!” ~ Brittany Bennion, Photographer / Michigan

“My first sale $2750”
"I am happy to report my client purchased a 20 image collection at $2750!
I can't wait to share how it all worked out on our last coaching call!"
~ Viviana Cardenas, Photographer / New Jersey

"My first sale $2750"
"I am happy to report my client purchased a 20 image collection at $2750!
I can't wait to share how it all worked out on our last coaching call!"
~ Viviana Cardenas, Photographer /
New Jersey

"My last sale was just under $10K"
~ Diana Renelli, Photographer / Toronto, Ontario

"My last sale was just under $10K"
~ Diana Renelli, Photographer / Toronto, Ontario

"Turns into higher sales every time"

"Turns into higher sales every time"
~ Heike M, Photographer / Pennsylvania

"The best coach and teacher"
"You're the best coach and teacher! I’m loving the course. I’ve been watching and listening to the tutorials and you are terrific. I liked the way you explained everything, shared your screen view and say easy to follow prompts. The templates are beautiful and so clean and professional. I love them. It was the best photoshop tutorial I’ve seen. Already, after 2 weeks of 1-on-1 coaching, I feel like you are my business/photography coach and friend. I also wanted to share with I’ve realized - Investing in myself and working with you is something I’ve wanted to do for a while and now it’s a vision come true……It’s a big deal. So. Thank you. Your energy is awesome. I’ve already learned so much , and I’m excited to keep working with you. I’m loving what I’m learning about me in this journey too. It’s Pretty neat." ~ Julie MacRae, Photographer / Sarnia Ontario

"The best coach and teacher"
You're the best coach and teacher! I’m loving the course. I’ve been watching and listening to the tutorials and you are terrific. I liked the way you explained everything, shared your screen view and say easy to follow prompts. The templates are beautiful and so clean and professional. I love them. It was the best photoshop tutorial I’ve seen. Already, after 2 weeks of 1-on-1 coaching, I feel like you are my business/photography coach and friend. I also wanted to share with I’ve realized - Investing in myself and working with you is something I’ve wanted to do for a while and now it’s a vision come true……It’s a big deal. So. Thank you. Your energy is awesome. I’ve already learned so much , and I’m excited to keep working with you. I’m loving what I’m learning about me in this journey too. It’s Pretty neat. ~ Julie MacRae, Photographer / Sarnia Ontario

“Changed the headshot
world of business”
Wow, this is fantastic. I cannot wait to incorporate your ideas. You have definitely changed the headshot world of business.
~ Michael, Photographer / Canada
“Your downloads were amazing”
Hi Heike, love your work and I'm so happy I bought this package! Thank you Heike, this was great and your downloads were amazing. I'm looking forward to viewing the bonus videos!
~ Kim Conant, Photographer / Boston, MA
“Your downloads were amazing”
Hi Heike, love your work and I'm so happy I bought this package! Thank you Heike, this was great and your downloads were amazing. I'm looking forward to viewing the bonus videos!
~ Kim Conant, Photographer / Boston, MA
“Changed the headshot
world of business”
Wow, this is fantastic. I cannot wait to incorporate your ideas. You have definitely changed the headshot world of business.
~ Michael, Photographer / Canada

"It's been great to see you in action"

"It's been great to see you in action"

Let's Chat!
Schedule a quick call to see if we make a good fit! *Limited Space*
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