Photographers - How to get things done faster

How to get things done faster

Way too many people are doing this. It's not only slowing them down but it's also preventing many from achieving their goals.

Think of a task that could take 1-week to accomplish such as: designing a website, recording a video series or cleaning out your cluttered basement. The phenomenon I'm referring to, causes that task to get drawn out from 1 week to 1 month, 2 months, or even a year before it’s successfully completed.

Now let's reverse that. Is there something that typically takes you 1 month to accomplish? What if you could accomplish that in 1week? What if you could consistently do this for a 1 year period? 

Here’s what your results would be: 

What you’d normally accomplish in 1 year, you'd now be able to accomplish within 3 months. 

Pretty Impressive right? Let’s go deeper...

  • What would normally take you 4 years to accomplish, would now take you 1 year.
  • What would normally take you 20 years to accomplish, would now take you 5 years.

Life would look and feel a lot different right?

Let me introduce you to what many of us are suffering from and then I’ll share some remedies - it's called MENTAL GYMNASTICS. 

Here’s a scenario: You know you need to make a post, send an email, start a conversation, approach a potential client, or whatever it is... but you pause and experience the following symptoms:

  • What if no one likes it
  • What if no one sees it
  • I feel vulnerable
  • I feel uncomfortable
  • What if I fail?
  • Someone else is already doing that
  • Someone else is already doing that for cheaper
  • My potential client already follows 3 other people who do the same thing as me

Your mind does overtime gymnastics exploring debilitating scenarios. Most of us can relate - I certainly can!




1. Just do it (Entrepreneur vs Employee)

Sounds cliche right? Just do the task. Go straight to the task and do not pass GO (Monopoly, anyone?)

Sometimes as entrepreneurs we allow that “voice” of doubt to creep in and scare us from taking action. We feel self-conscious and experience paralysis from taking any action at all.

Contrast this with being an employee and working for someone else and your boss tells you to complete a task. Do you sit there and contemplate how you feel about it? Do you miss the deadline because you're feeling vulnerable and out of your comfort zone? Likely not, or you’d be on the fast track to getting fired, right? Consider this a sign, I’m assigning you _____ project and the deadline is 7 days from now. Hit reply to this email and let me know you’ve completed your task. šŸ˜ 


2. The What-if List

Grab a piece of paper and title it with your task. For example, a title could be, “Create a post to announce my new product”. Next, divide that paper into 2 columns. Title the first column “What if it doesn’t work” and title the second column “What if it does work”. Then below each column list possible outcomes to these questions: 

  • How would I feel about myself?
  • How would my bank account change?
  • How far ahead/behind would I be in 1 year's time?

If you don’t have time for a list, every time a “What if it doesn’t work?” pops in your mind, follow it up by asking “BUT what if it does work?”


3. Continuous Action

Be so busy thinking about your next action that you don't have time to feel like a failure if your last action didn’t yield positive results.

The most successful people are persistent and take continuous action. Nothing is a failure. It’s only a learning experience.

Keep trying things until something works. I’ve heard many successful people say their breakthrough finally came around the time they wanted to quit.

Growth is uncomfortable. If you’re feeling uncomfortable take it as s sign you’re on the right track.

And most importantly a series of small actions over a year create big accomplishments by the end of the year.

What will you accomplish? Hit reply and tell me where you started and how far you’ve come! 

Here's to finally putting an end to mental gymnastics!





Want to dive in deeper? Here are 3 other ways I can help you if you're a photographer...

1) Wondering what a personal branding shoot looks like behind the scenes? I pull back the curtain in my online program "From Headshot to Personal Branding", featuring a real personal branding shoot in my studio. I share poses, lighting and camera settings. See what other photographers saying about the program and how it helped uplevel their businesses.

2) Hungry to fast-track and finally turn your Personal Branding Photography into a sustainable and profitable business? Learn more here. (Limited spaces)

3) Download the FREE 9 Business + Life-Changing Things I put in place that significantly increased my business and reduced my stress levels!



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